Sourcing Non-Dues Revenue
Stellar member benefits encourage membership, but membership dues alone often fail to keep your organization’s finances in the black. Associations can stay out of the red by considering these non-dues revenue resources.
Stellar member benefits encourage membership, but membership dues alone often fail to keep your organization’s finances in the black. Associations can stay out of the red by considering these non-dues revenue resources.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how many in-office jobs function. One thing that has not changed is workplace burnout, and unfortunately the pandemic has exacerbated its effects. Increased technology and sparse in-person interaction has created a disconnect, worsening stress from heavy workloads and general pandemic fears. In this post, we will focus on burnout, what it is, how to recognize it, and how to treat it in both your employees and in your association’s membership.
Welcoming new board members can be an exciting time for your association, but what do you have planned to make sure they have the necessities to start strong? Having a proper onboarding process for new board members is important and beneficial. And here at Easter Associates, we can help you! We want to provide your association with helpful information to set your new board members up for success.
With the new year approaching, many associations are dealing with dues and membership renewals. Here at Easter Associates, we want to provide you with some advice as you move forward with the end-of-year renewal process. With this advice, we hope you will have a better idea of the best path for your association when it comes to increasing dues. We also want to highlight the value of your members, as they are important assets to each association.
Developing an organized plan for employee recruitment, interviews, training, and orientation is crucial to the success of a business; and a well-executed onboarding plan sets new employees up for success, too. As COVID-19 has changed the way employees work and connect, savvy business leaders have also adjusted their hiring and onboarding processes. Here at Easter Associates, we are experts at adapting and are excited to share what we have developed as an effective onboarding program for new hires. Based on our experience in hiring during the pandemic, we want to share ways on how business leaders, like you, can succeed while social distancing.
Election season is upon us once again, and campaigns are in full swing to get people ready to vote. Associations and industries are supporting candidates during this time as well, mainly through the use of a crucial advocacy tool, the political action committee (or “PAC” for short).
With board elections around the corner for many associations, it is time to start thinking about the board selection process. Networking, competency and diversity are more important than ever when selecting who will serve on your association’s board. Check out these tips Christina shares with her clients when board election time comes around.
Despite a surge in the Delta variant, many states have returned to pre-pandemic times; masks are no longer required and social distancing is a thing of the past. But for some, attending large in-person meetings and conferences is still scary. So, how can associations plan successful hybrid meetings and conferences? Recently, I planned a hybrid conference for one of our clients in Virginia Beach. Throughout my planning, I learned the do’s, and the don’ts, of planning hybrid meetings and conferences and want to share what I learned along throughout the process.
Extroverts, people who love to socialize and gain energy from being around people, may have been waiting to return to work since quarantine began. Alternatively, many introverts who gain energy by spending time alone, may have thrived during this time of social distancing. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, you can help everyone as they transition back to work by being mindful of others’ feelings and meeting people where they are. To help your association or business, here are some tips for introverts as they prepare to head back and another set of tips for all team members to ease the transition back to the office.
Every season has marketing trends, and summer has some especially fun (and effective) options to choose from. This summer don’t slack on your seasonal marketing. Take advantage of the warm-weather season and all the opportunities it brings with it! To help you get started, our team has pulled together these highlights of our favorite summer marketing trends – and how to utilize them effectively for your association!